So, here goes another repeated how to make money from Nuffnang tips :
1) We cannot expect to gain any local advertisers trusts within one week. Usually, we put our little Nuffnang blue banner to gauge our traffic and Nuffnang marketing staffs will bring these figures to the potential advertisers to show them our blog stats. So, if you just join a month or two, those figures won’t be stabilised and hence, we cannot impress any advertisers. I have joined Nuffnang since they started the company, which is over a year ago.
2) Local advertisers are not only very demanding, they are very judgmental, critical, fussy, annoying, irritating and more. They have never ventured into blog advertising and therefore, they have nothing to use as a benchmark. So, they expect the sky. Moreover, the marketing staffs (of the advertisers) are not familiar with search engine optimisation and instead, focus on branding. So, our blog is our image. Many advertisers turned my blog down because they just hate my obnoxious style of blogging. I do not care and will never bend down. In fact, sometimes, Nuffnang need to negotiate with the advertiser and I to come to an agreement. I sometimes refused to accept because of principle matters.
3) The main money is made from advertorials. Advertorials are paid posts, Malaysian styles. Unlike overseas paid posts, our local advertisers practically watch us with eagle eyes and they pick and choose the blogs they like. There are thousands and thousands of bloggers in Malaysia. How then do we breakthrough to gain the attention of the local advertisers? Well, if you notice, only a few ‘veteran’ bloggers get the main piece of the pie. Nuffnang’s staffs do try to promote newer blogs but the local advertisers keep sticking to the selected few. For example, I have some pretty good blogs which cover women topics, foods, entertainment and even this blog which ranks highly on make money topics. But NO advertisers want to give me an advertorial. So, you see? It is not easy. I find it frustrating and I do feel for those newer bloggers who are forever ignored. But that’s our local advertisers for you. Anyway, I am sure with time, they will begin to spread their horizon and change their approach, i.e. utilising smaller blogs.
4) There are two types of codes on Nuffnang. In fact, there is a new feature launched by Nuffnang recently (more about that when I understand how it works). One is the ‘one code, fits all’. You will see ads on your site but those are paid only when someone clicks on it (CPC). Income is low. Meanwhile, I am using the more ‘lansi’ (egoistic) type which is the cost per thousand (CPM) banner. Either the advertiser buy up the space for the week, or I don’t earn a thing. Most weeks, I go without earning anything. In fact, on my smaller blogs I go for months without earning anything. But when I do get banners, it pays anything between RM200 per week to RM3.80 per week, depending on our bands which is the clusters of traffic.
5) To make money with Nuffnang, we have to stop comparing it with Google Adsense or banner ads. To make money with Nuffnang, we have to bear with the little blue banner that probably won’t make us money until we establish good traffic, a blog image and reputation. It is ‘just leave it there’ or ‘forget about it’. And no, if you cannot make money with Nuffnang, you cannot make money with any other local advertising network. If you do, it is just a spurt. A gimmick, if I may say so. I notice that the aforementioned blog did try another local advertising network but as of now, I do not see anymore local ads banner.
P/S : I find it amusing how competitor to Nuffnang gets so efficient in responding to the Malaysia Property Blog author. See the comments?
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